The annual one day Lantern Conference is coming to Queensland on 6 December 2019. The event is designed for and dedicated to aged care foods, mealtime experience and nutrition. The conference will discuss...

3D printed meat may seem fanciful to the average Australian, but it represents an exciting and realistic value-adding opportunity says Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA). According to the Australian meat...

One of Australia’s key industrialists, Anthony Pratt, who is chairman of the leading Australian packaging business Visy Industries, has called upon the Australian government to work with Australia’s...

For the first time in its 100 year history, the International Association for Food Protection (IAFP) is bringing its international forum to Australia. The Securing Global Food Safety conferencence is to...

A leading food industry consultant has warned that more Australian food processors will be driven out of business as a result of competition between and commercial powers held by major food retailers. In...

The Federal Department of Health and Ageing is sponsoring the CSIRO to conduct three workshops around Australia as information-sharing forums for industry, government and researchers involved in food innovation...

Ensuring that nutrition and health form a major focus for the development of national food policy will be the aim of a national food conference in November, organised the Public Health Association of Australia...

Just 4 weeks to go to the 3rd Australian Food Safety Conference 7-9 September 2010 Melbourne Food is something that impacts   on the life of everyone. As Australia’s largest manufacturing industry...

Australia has won the right to host an international health conference expected to attract hundreds of researchers and practitioners from round the world.The conference, “Seafood & Health 2010”,...