Allen’s Jelly Tots make a comeback
After more than a decade off the shelves, Nestle’s Allen’s Jelly Tots are returning to Australian supermarkets.
Back due to customer demand, Allen’s Jelly Tots have not been sold in Australia since 2004. The lollies originally hit the market in 1998. Nestle now owns the brand.
Like the original Jelly Tots, the revived sweets will come in a variety of fruit flavours including strawberry, orange, blackberry, lime and lemon. This time however customers can choose a tangy coating option and there are no artificial colours.
Allen’s say the Jelly Tots packaging will also be brought up to speed with 2015 consumer expectations with portion control advice included.
Staying the same will be the mini-size of the lollies. Allen’s say that 14 of the original style Jelly Tots make up one portion, 12 of the tangy-coated tots are one portion.
Allen’s made headlines in July 2015 when consumers noticed the brand’s Green Frogs and Spearmint lollies were no longer available for purchase. Allen’s confirmed at the time the flavours were removed due to a lack of sales but many consumers took to social media complaining about the decision. The lollies still remain off supermarket shelves.
Allen’s new Jelly Tots and Tangy Tots will be available in Coles, Woolworths and Independent supermarkets across Australia from August 2015. The recommended retail price is $2.95