Dairy industry leads in new protein claims

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 28th September 2015

YoghurtNearly four per cent of global launches recorded by Innova Market Insights in the financial year ending the 30 June 2015 used a protein marketing claim.


The claims were either ‘high-in-protein’ claims or ‘source-of-protein claims’.


Dairy products were the main category using a protein claim, eight per cent of new dairy products included an advertised protein feature. Within the yoghurt category alone this figure jumps to 14 per cent.


Director of Innova Market Insights Lu Ann Williams said that the dairy industry is inherently suited to capture the large number of people currently after high-protein foods.


“Dairy products have always had an inherently healthy image and a perception of high protein levels so it is a sector that has been able to adapt relatively rapidly to this rising interest in protein, in some cases by simply changing its labelling and/or positioning,” said Williams.  


US strongest in protein claims


The United States are global leaders when it comes to protein claims. Over 17 per cent of US dairy launches were positioned on their protein content in the 12 months to the end of June 2015. This more than doubled the global average. Over one third yoghurt launches were positioned as protein sources and nearly a quarter of milk drinks were similarly marketed.


The focus on protein  has seen a large number of milk-based protein drinks introduced. Never-before sold international products like Skyr, an Icelandic fermented dairy product, have also recently become available.


“High protein foods are one of the most sought-after nutritional choices of the moment,” said Williams.

“And the dairy sector appears to be extremely well placed to benefit. Yoghurts and milk drinks are the current leaders in terms of activity, but there may also be opportunities in other products such as cheese, particularly soft and fresh products,” Williams concluded.