Aussies still chomping on chocolate: Roy Morgan Research

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 23rd March 2016

Australians are increasing their rate of chocolate consumption according to a new Roy Morgan Research survey.

Despite the increasing health warnings to cut high-fat and high-sugar foods, 52 per cent of Australians said they ate at least one chocolate bar a month in 2015. By comparison, 48 per cent of Australians were eating at least one chocolate bar per month in 2013.

In 2015 43 per cent of Australians eat a chocolate block a month, a 3 per cent increase on 2013 figures. Approximately 19 per cent consumed a box of chocolates monthly in 2015 whilst only 17 per cent did so in 2013.


Chocolate consumption: 2013 vs 2015


Graph 1







Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), January-December 2013 (n=18,576) and January-December 2015 (n=15,367). Base: Australians 14+


Males who eat chocolate bars, blocks and boxes increased from 62 per cent of the population to 66 per cent. Females jumped from 69 per cent to 72 per cent.


Cadbury is king


 Cadbury is Australia’s favourite chocolate brand with approximately 3.2 million Australians eating a 50 gram serving of its chocolate once a month.

Australia’s most popular chocolate block is Cadbury’s Dairy Milk and Cadbury’s ‘Favourites’ is the most consumed boxed-chocolate variety.


Most popular brands of chocolate bars, blocks and boxed chocolates


Graph 2







Source: Roy Morgan Single Source (Australia), January– December 2015 (n=15,367).


As the chart above indicates, Cadbury’s popularity is quite entrenched for each of these categories: Cadbury-owned Cherry Ripe is the country’s third-most popular chocolate bar, while the brand’s Fruit & Nut and Hazelnut blocks come in at third and fourth in their category. Meanwhile, Cadbury Roses (3 per cent) join Favourites in the top five boxed chocolates consumed by Aussies in an average four weeks.

General Manager of Consumer Products at Roy Morgan Research Andrew Price said the rise in consumption is not only seen across Cadbury but other brands also.

“Lindt has also made inroads in the block and boxed categories; while consumption of Nestle-owned Kit Kat is also up,” Price said.