Woolworths commences Country of Origin label rollout

Woolworths will this week begin displaying new country of origin labelling (CoOL) on a selection of its fresh produce.
By the end of November 2016, Woolworths says 25 of its private label products will display new CoOL packaging.
Woolworths and all other Australian supermarkets have until July 2018 until all of their food products must display the CoOL packaging which informs the consumer what percentage of the ingredients used come from Australia. CoOL packaging also intends to inform whether the food was packaged in Australia or overseas.
Head of Sustainability at Woolworths, Adrian Cullen, said 100 per cent of Woolworths’ fresh meat and 96 per cent of its fresh produce was sourced from Australia.
“We are working closely with our suppliers in Australia and overseas to ensure our products will carry the new Country of Origin labelling ahead of the deadline,” Cullen said.
The first Woolworths private label products to include CoOL labelling will be its 120g and 280g spinach and its 120g red leaf mix.
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