Queensland government decides to ban plastic bags

The Queensland State Government has decided to ban the use of single-use plastic bans by 2018.
The decision has been welcomed by the Queensland Conservation Council who said the move shows the state taking a lead on the issue.
“While other states have been talking about looking into the issues, Queensland bags the prize for its plastic carrier ban,” said Queensland Conservation Council head, Dr Tim Seelig.
The New South Wales and Victoria do not currently have plastic bag bans but South Australia, the Northern Territory, the Australian Capital Territory and Tasmania already have bans in place.
A discussion paper has been released asking for feedback on the government’s decision to ban the bags.
The ban includes the typical transparent plastic bags typically used by supermarkets. It does not include the heavier plastic bags usually used by other retailers like clothes shops and department stores. However the Queensland State Government is hoping to implement voluntary guidelines to help stop retailers using these types of bags.
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