David Jones to increase its private label food offerings

Foods sold in David Jones in Australia will be 70 per cent private label products by 2020, says its South African-based parent Woolworths Holdings.
In releasing its 2017 half yearly financial results, Woolworths Holdings said currently only 24 per cent of David Jones’ food is private label.
In February 2016, Woolworths Holdings signalled that David Jones may re-enter the Australian grocery industry after its premium “Foodchain” stores were closed in 2003.
Foodchain operated between 2000 and 2003 in Australia but failed to take off and cost David Jones AUD $120 million in losses.
The financial report did not mention any move back into groceries but instead focused on David Jones’ decision to increase its premium private label offerings under its motto “Be proudly David Jones”.
The company’s strategy update on food said David Jones is focused on “exclusivity” as a point of difference and bringing its “customers the best of the world with a premium private product label product, excellent food services and expert advice”.
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