Posted by Andrea Hogan on 1st March 2017

Mark Booth, FSANZ's new CEO

Australia’s central government food standards agency, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has appointed a new Chief Executive Officer.

Mark Booth will be taking on the role, relieving Steven McCutcheon who has held the top job for ten years.

Booth will be leaving his position of six years as First Assistant Secretary at the Australian Government Department of Health to take on the CEO job.

Assistant Minister for Health, Dr David Gillespie MP, announced the new appointment, saying Booth has extensive knowledge of and experience in the Australian and New Zealand health system’s.

“His appointment will give fresh perspective and strength to this role at a time when food standards and food safety require greater scrutiny, rigour and bi-national cooperation than ever,” Dr Gillespie said.

Dr Gillespie said Booth will build on the legacy of Steve McCutcheon and thanked Peter May who has been in the CEO role since McCutcheon finished in the role on 31 January 2017.


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