Weather hits Select Harvest almonds

Select Harvest has produced less almonds than expected for its 2017 season with the weather to blame.
The crop is still however the second largest crop the company has produced.
After receiving 98 per cent of the season’s crop already, it is expected Select Harvest’s 2017 season will amount to 13, 500 – 14, 000 MT.
Select Harvest said it is still investigating why it has experienced a lower-than-expected harvest this season, but initial indications are “the crop has been more impacted by seasonal conditions than previously forecasted.”
Paul Thompson, Select Harvests’ Managing Director, said the 2017 crop downgrade is disappointing but it should be seen in the context of the significant, year-on-year volume growth that is forecasted to come.
“It is important to note, the capital investment has been made for the future – our non-bearing orchard area is significant with over 3,400 acres coming into production over the next 3 years,” he said.
“In addition, we have the benefit of the Jubilee Orchard acquisition volumes contributing from next harvest. Select Harvests has been diligently growing its productive base through investment in acquisitions, greenfield plantings and orchards productivity improvements which is anticipated to see a crop in excess of 20,000MT by 2021 and reaching full production by 2025,” Thompson concluded.
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