CHOICE wants front-of-pack weight declarations to stay

Consumer advocacy group CHOICE has launched a campaign against a proposal seeking the removal of quantity statements from the front of pack on consumer goods packaging.
CHOICE spokesperson, Tom Godfrey, said although some products may look the same size, the weight statements help inform customers they could be getting more value by choosing one item over the other.
He used Cadbury as an example, saying although a block of its Marvellous Creations looks and costs the same size as its Spider Choc Raspberry or Jelly Popping Candy Beans, Marvellous Creations weighs 18 per cent less.
“Biscuit lovers might be shocked to learn that if they buy Arnott’s Chewy Caramel Tim Tams instead of the Tim Tam Originals they’ll end up with 25 grams less, or 9 biscuits instead of 11,” Godfrey further informed.
CHOICE said comparing similar looking products from different companies can also prove difficult.
“Mama Lucia’s Mini Bocconcinni comes in a bigger pack than La Casa Del Formaggio’s Bambini Bocconcini, but if you buy the larger tub you’ll end up with 40 grams less,” he said.
The National Measurement Institute will consider a proposal to remove the front-of-pack weight declarations on consumer goods with consultations open until the end of June 2017.
CHOICE is asking consumers to write to the institute and request weight statement requirements stay as is.
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