McCain invests millions into Ballarat potato plant upgrade

McCain's Ballarat Potato Plant
McCain Foods has completed stage one of the $57 million upgrade of its Ballarat potato plant.
Working with Ballarat City Council, McCain has finished work to improve access to the plant and to remove parked trucks from nearby roads.
The next stages of the upgrade will include an extension of the processing building area, installation of a new potato receiving storage facility and the installation of new equipment to improve the quality, production and capacity of the plant.
McCain Food’s Regional President, Louis Wolthers, said the plant’s redevelopment will benefit McCain customers, growers and employees.
“This project will create more than 100 jobs during the life of the project; many of our 700 suppliers, including the thousands of trucks rolling in and out of the plant every month, will also benefit,” Wolthers said.
The project will also see McCain upskill more than 100 employees already working at the plant.
Upon completion, the sites’ capacity is expected to increase by 25 per cent, resulting in an additional AUD $12.6 million for local potato farmers over the next eight years.
The plant was first opened in 1976 and today produces potato products, meals and pizza for sale within Australia and overseas.
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