Feel Free to Create Fine Bakery with Vegetarian L-Cysteine

More and more people like to reduce or even avoid food of animal origin for health or ethical reasons. Many baked goods, however, contain additives and processing aids produced from human or animal-derived sources such as hair or feathers. WACKER has developed the perfect solution: vegan L-cysteine produced by fermentation.
First Vegetarian – and Vegan-Grade L-Cysteine
WACKER’s L-cysteine is the first vegetarian- and even vegan-grade L-cysteine produced by fermentation. In food applications, L-cysteine is ideal for producing savory flavors and a perfect processing aid for the industrial manufacturing of various doughs. It improves the handling properties of dough, such as kneadability, kneading time and manageability for industrial production.
High Quality
Cysteine products from WACKER are vegan/vegetarian, kosher and halal as well as TSE/BSE-safe. They conform to all important food and pharmaceutical quality standards.
For more information please visit www.wacker.com/food