Food Safety, ecommerce and Market Insight the key to Asian markets

Brought to you by HiveXchange  on 11th September 2017

Hong Kong is buzzing this week as delegates from around the world converge on Hong Kong for Asia’s leading fresh produce event. Opening with the Asiafruit Congress, an event focused on identifying new market opportunities, the message to exporters was clear – if you want to successfully export into Asia you need to think and act in Asian terms.

Food safety and ecommerce were also identified as key drivers of success in an Asian market that is driven by digital technology and consumer demand for transparent, high quality food experiences. Exporters who can supply quality produce via short, fresh, digital supply chains will not only gain a competitive advantage, but pass this advantage on to their buyers increasing value along the supply chain.

Facilitating this shift to digital supply chains for Australian industry is the HiveXchange, Australia’s digital marketplace for wholesale produce. HiveXchange CEO and co-founder, Antonio Palanca presented on the power of B2B ecommerce at Asiafruit Congress and says there is an opportunity for Australia to create market demand through digital promises and shorter, information-rich supply chains. Talking from his booth on the Taste Australia pavilion, Mr Palanca said “Our aim for this event, and beyond, is to market Australian produce to world buyers via a single digital window. This week we demonstrated the marketplace to representatives from China, India, Mauritius, Thailand, Indonesia and Australia, who are looking to make fresh, digital connections with the world. Asia is a digital consumer market and commercial buyers love the idea of engaging with digital ready collateral through our platform. Communication is a trade barrier and moving away from phone calls and emails to language sensitive, structured workflow in a digital environment is very attractive to Asian buyers.”

Hort Innovation launched its ’Taste Australia’ campaign at the Asiafruit Logistica trade show on Thursday, the 6 month trade tour it supports will promote the story, science and innovation behind Australia’s high-quality produce. Suppliers and grower associations from the citrus, grapes, avocados, mangoes, alm​​onds, vegetables and the apple industries were all represented at the event.

To find out more about digital supply chains click here