Marketing claims under scrutiny at upcoming Colmar Brunton event

Dr. Denise Hamblin
Market research agency Colmar Brunton has announced a Melbourne seminar on how to make substantive marketing claims.
To be held on the morning of Wednesday 15 November 2017, the ‘How to make claims stick’ seminar will include presentations by FoodLegal Principal, Charles Fisher and National FMCG Director, Dr Denise Hamblin.
Charles will discussing how to substantiate marketing claims in Australia from a legal perspective. He will be sharing with us the risks and how to avoid consumer misinterpretation as well as insights into making sure the market wants what we’re claiming before we embark on NPD.
Charles is a Principal of FoodLegal. He is the food regulatory and compliance advisor to leading Australian and international food and beverage companies including food regulatory issues and product risk assessment and advice in relation to new product development projects and product marketing campaigns.
Dr Hamblin will then present Colmar Brunton’s approach to testing claims. She will take you through the types of claims that can be supported by consumer evidence, the importance of a robust research design as well as addressing the critical factors to ensure that claims can be fully substantiated in the Australian market.
Dr. Denise Hamblin is a frequent contributor to national and international conferences in the areas of consumer trends, innovation in the FMCG industry and unleashing the power of sensory research.
Dr Hamblin’s passion is to uncover areas of opportunity in the food and beverage market and design bespoke approaches to successfully act on them for long term success. Prior to consumer research within FMCG, Dr Hamblin completed a Bachelor of Applied Science and a PhD in Neuroscience.
How to make your claims stick
Wednesday 15 November 2017
8:30am – 10:00am
Your Source Research Facility, Chadstone Victoria
RSVP by 10 November to Sara Mawhinney at or on 0488 151 120