Kez’s Kitchen launches new bar and cookie options

Posted by Andrea Hogan on 22nd November 2017

Victorian business Kez’s Kitchen is now selling new health-focused bars and cookies through Woolworths supermarkets.

The new ‘Free & Naked’ bars include popcorn, choc crunch protein and lamington varieties. They are made from “all natural ingredients” including dates, nuts and seeds.

The new Free and Naked Cookies include raw peanut cookie and raw choc nut cookie varieties.

Chief Executive Officer and Owner of Kez’s Kitchen, Michael Carp, said he was inspired to create the new snacks because of his own personal food intolerances.

“I am both dairy and gluten intolerant and was struck by the fact I couldn’t enjoy any of the snacks we were making. I knew I wasn’t alone,” Carp said.

Both the bar and cookie product ranges are available now at Woolworths supermarkets across Australia. The recommended retail price is AUD $5.99 for a five pack. Single serve packs are also available.

About Kez’s Kitchen

Kez’s Kitchen was first founded in Melbourne in 1991 by Keren Carp, whose nickname is Kez. Keren began the business in her home kitchen and it took off as her chocolate chip cookies became popular. Kez’s mother soon joined the business before Keren’s brother, Michael Carp, joined in 1994.

Michael acquired the business in 2011 and is now its owner and Chief Executive Officer.

Today Kez’s Kitchen produces a number of food products for Australian supermarkets, including biscuits, bars and cereal.


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