Food companies praised and shamed by Australian parents

Posted by Andrea Hogan on 29th November 2017

Food companies have been both praised and condemned by Australian childhood health promotion group, Parents’ Voice.

In announcing the winners of the group’s annual Fame and Shame Awards, Parents’ Voice has congratulated and spoken out against different food marketing campaigns the group says targeted children over the past year.

The Fame and Shame Awards mark 13 years in 2017.

The 2017 ‘Digital Ninja’ shame award went to Kellogg’s with Parent’s Voice saying its digital media Halloween campaign partnership with Shazam was aimed at children.

Kellogg’s LMC bars was also given the Smoke and Mirrors shame award for a commercial Parents’ Voice claimed made “an unhealthy product appear healthier that it is”.

McDonald’s received the Pester Power shame award for its ‘Made for Family/Despicable Me 3 Family Box’ TV ad which features a young boy wearing a Minion bodysuit and visiting McDonald’s.

Coca-Cola was given the Foul Sport shame award for its Powerade Powerscore campaign that Parents Voice said used sports stars to target kids.

Cova-Cola was also awarded the Bother Boards shame award for billboards that dispense free Coke when interacted with.

Companies and organisations that received praise for their marketing efforts included Aussie Apples and Aldi.

Aussie Apples was given the Parent’s Choice Food fame award for its Get Your Crunch on campaign that depicts apples being picked and put in kids lunchboxes.

Aldi and Aussie Apples both received a Parent’s Choice Physical Activity fame award. Aldi received its award for an advertisement that encourages kids to play soccer, while Aussie Apples won its Netball Australia partnership.


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