Summer represents opportunity for fresh produce push

Australians are spending more on fruit and vegetables but eating less of it new Nielsen research has found.
According to Nielsen, dollar sales for fresh fruits and vegetables increased by 9 per cent last summer when compared to the prior summer season. The amount of fruit and vegetables Australian actually ate fell slightly by -2 per cent.
With retail fruit and vegetable prices falling in recent months, Nielsen is now telling the food industry summer is the time to push fruit and vegetable sales.
“For the past two summers, avocados, mangoes, berries and melons all recorded strong dollar sales growth – well ahead of the total fresh produce benchmark,” Nielsen said.
“Similar trends were seen for fresh salad and cucumbers.”
“Superfoods” can equal super sales
Nielsen reports that fresh produce often described as “superfoods”, such as kale and blueberries, represent a big opportunity to appeal to Australia’s “healthy elite”.
Research conducted by Nielsen found that 17 per cent of Australians aged 14 and over are a part of the “healthy elite”, caring about their diet and fitness.
This group often tries to purchase organic when they can and 38 per cent follow a mainly vegetarian diet.
Fruit that has potential
Stone fruits such as plums, cherries and apricots, along with tropical fruits like lychee and papaya, have all been identified as having an opportunity to grow sales by encouraging new buyers.
“There are opportunities for growers and retailers to capitalise on consumers interest for fresh, healthy foods, and grow produce department sale by bringing more Australian households into a broader range of fruit and vegetable categories throughout the year,” Nielsen said.
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