Kosher consumers upset by Weet-Bix loss

Posted by Andrea Hogan on 21st February 2018

Australia’s Jewish community has been left shocked and disappointed after finding out Sanitarium is no longer willing to facilitate what is required to maintain Kosher certification of its foods.

The decision means Australia’s Jewish community who eat Kosher will no longer be able to consume Sanitarium’s wide range of food and drink products including Weet-Bix, So Good soy drinks, Up&Go, peanut butter and more.

Sanitarium’s unwillingness to facilitate what is required for a food product to be certified Kosher was announced by the Kosher Australia yesterday.

Kosher Australia, which organises the certification process, said despite its extensive efforts, Sanitarium will no longer provide Kosher Australia with the relevant information and co-operation it requires to determine its products are in fact Kosher.

Kosher Australia said it was disappointed it could no longer certify Sanitarium’s products after both companies maintained a mutually respectfully and cooperative relationship for over 40 years.

“We understand the impact that this announcement will have on the Jewish community and the decision has only been taken after every effort to seek a reversal of Sanitarium’s decision has been rejected,” Kosher Australia said.

“Accordingly, we have been left with no other choice but to withdraw the approval of their products.”

Kosher Australia is now encouraging consumers to ask Sanitarium to change its mind and allow for the facilitation of Kosher certification.

As of Wednesday 21 February 2018, there were a number of posts on Sanitarium’s Facebook page from customers requesting the return of Kosher certified products.

Although Weet-Bix are no longer Kosher certified, competing product, Uncle Toby’s Vita Brits, are Kosher certified. Vita Brits are however slightly different to Weet Bix as they have no added sugar. Weet Bix has raw sugar added.

Australian Food News contacted Sanitarium who was unable to provide any comment prior to the publication of this article.


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