Grant money for food producers to reduce salt

GRANTS of up to $25,000 are available to help start-up and SME food producers reduce salt in their products.
The grants will draw down from a total pool of $300,000 provided by Food Innovation Australia Limited and VicHealth, for food manufacturers with a Victorian footprint.
The money is dollar-for-dollar funding matched to the food maker’s contribution, to help reformulate existing products or create a new range with reduced salt.
There is support available to help businesses reformulate their foods, connecting food manufacturers with an expert to support their project. Experts are available to assist with grant applications.
Applications open July 1, 2018, with a rolling assessment until December 31, 2018.
Apply for an Innovation Grant.
Six times more people killed by salt than road crashes
About 75 per cent of salt in Victorians’ diet comes from processed foods, VicHealth CEO Jerril Rechter says.
“We know Victorians eat far too much salt, putting them at risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and strokes,” Ms Rechter said.
“Salt kills six times more Victorians than the annual road toll (sic).
“If we reduced our salt intake by just three grams – which is less than a teaspoon – per day, we would save 800 lives from stroke and heart attacks.
“Reformulation is so important in reducing population salt intake, and these grants are a great way to empower smaller companies to create healthier, lower salt products.”
Food Innovation Australia Limited is an industry-led, not-for-profit organisation focused on growing the share of Australian food in the global marketplace.
Visit Unpack The Salt for more information.