Callebaut’s newest low sugar milk chocolate: TOTAL ECL1PSE

Callebaut fine Belgian chocolate continues to prove itself as a leader in chocolate innovation, launching the lowest sugar milk chocolate available. With only 1% added sugar, Callebaut Excl1pse (hence the 1 in the name) becomes available to the industry this month and is set to change the way we look at milk chocolate.
Responding to growing customer demands for lower calorie dessert options, Callebaut Ecl1pse offers a healthier milk chocolate alternative without skimping on quality and flavour. Expertly crafted in the heart of Belgium – home to the world’s finest chocolate – Escl1pse is a new addition to the professional chocolate landscape that’s not only lower in sugar than standard milk chocolate, but also includes nothing artificial.
Ecl1pse offers those within the industry a new milk chocolate option, with 50% less sugar than standard milk chocolate but around twice the milk and cocoa content compared to regular milk chocolate. Ecl1pse is darker, smoother, more intense, and creamier than any other milk chocolate whilst embodying a natural taste that is still delicate and sweet.
Callebaut chocolate products are used by some of the world’s most respected chefs and chocolatiers, and the launch of Ecl1pse will give industry professionals the chance to re-invent their menus and product offerings, whilst responding to consumer demands for healthier and more natural dessert options.
Continuing to revolutionise the chocolate industry, last year Callebaut released the first new flavour of chocolate in eighty years, Ruby RB1, changing the way we look at desserts. Ecl1pse is sure to be no exception and will become available within Australia later on this month (June 2019).