Sleeping can be a major factor in increasing obesity, according to research

The number of obesity cases has doubled since 1980, according to a study that that was published in Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care in 2011. Evidence suggests that a lack of sleep, or poor sleep quality, can contribute to weight gain.
Sleeping plays a major role in modulating neuroendocrine, and assisting with general metabolism functions. Subjects with a lack of sleep (or inadequate sleeping patterns) have experienced metabolic and endocrine alterations that include decreased glucose tolerance, decreased insulin sensitivity, increased evening concentrations of cortisol, and increased appetite which causes an individual to eat more.
According to, more than 6000 primary and secondary school students between the ages of 7-16 and 1576 adults years were surveyed across the United Kingdom. The survey contained questions about their sleeping routines and eating/drinking habits on the night before.
80% of adults and 44% of secondary school children woke up at least once the night before. Furthermore, the study suggests that using devices with screens the night before can play a large role in interrupted sleeping patterns.
“The implications of a bad night’s sleep can go much further than feeling tired. Where lack of, and disturbed, sleep can lead to both adults and young people feeling grumpy and irritable, regular poor quality sleep can have a negative impact on dietary choices, including higher intakes of calories and more frequent snacking on less healthy foods.” Dr Lucy Chambers, Senior Scientist at the British Nutrition Foundation, told