World’s first oral health drink launches to combat growing concerns of avoidable dental issues amongst Australians

The world’s first functional oral health drink, Swirlit, has launched into the Australian market.
Swirlit is an innovative tea based, botanical oral health drink that uses key dental approved ingredients to aid in the prevention of unnecessary dental issues.
Developed by Australian born entrepreneur and registered dentist, Angie Lang, Swirlit offers consumers a sugar free, pH neutral beverage alternative that will not compromise oral health.
The average Australian has 14 teaspoons of free sugars a day (5-4 more than the recommended limit), untreated tooth decay affects over one third of the global population and 1 in 25 Australian aged 15 and over have no natural teeth. But, there is little being done to prevent these issues.
With 60% of Australians believing that a good smile gives you confidence but over half (55%) feeling self-consious about their teeth you would think more Aussies would be lining up to see a dentist but in 2017-18, nearly one third who needed to see a dental professional delayed or did not see one.
Despite Australians over consuming sugar everyday, and with health drinks like kombucha and apple cider vinegar becoming increasingly more popular despite their acidic properties, there hasn’t been a strong push for people to improve their oral health like there has been for gut health.
“I am so excited to finally be launching Swirlit into market. Early in my career, people would come to me and said they wanted to love their smile. As a dentist, I can fix the damage to teeth, but to prevent it requires a change in the food and drinks consumed coupled with great oral hygiene. We know that dental decay and erosion is preventable, and that the most common culprit is sugary and acidic drinks. This is why I have been passionate about creating an alternative that not only has no sugar, and is pH neutral, but also has properties that will aid oral health.” comments Swirlit Founder, Angie Lang.
The growing range of tea based and botanical drinks produced by Swirlit are to your oral health what Kombucha is to your gut. Each sugar free and 99.9% sugar free, pH neutral drink helps to reduce the risk of dental decay, erosion and tooth loss. While it is possible to restore teeth, patients suffer discomfort, pain and progressive damage and this costs them time and money treating something that is preventable.
“Our gut begins in our mouth, and it is a myth that you can have good general health when you have poor oral health. There is significant research that shows bacteria that causes gum disease can enter the blood stream and deposit in the small blood vessels of the heart, brain and other organs. It is also a risk factor for heart attacks, strokes and even Alzheimer’s disease as these deposits can ultimately cause blockages. I cannot stress how important oral health is. ” Angie explains.
Swirlit products are available from select cafes, select BP’s, service stations, select IGA’s, health food stores, independent grocers and online via RRP: $4.95