Seafarms Group completes first delivery of Black Tiger Prawns to Japanese seafood giant Nissui

Sustainable aquaculture company Seafarms Group Limited is pleased to announce that it has completed its first delivery of Black Tiger Prawns to Nippon Suisan Kaisha Limited (Nissui).
The delivery was made via Seafarms wholly-owned subsidiary Seafarm Queensland PTY LTD under the offtake agreement announced last year.
Seafarms’ first shipment of 33 tonnes of product from the recently completed semi-individually quick frozen (IQF) processing line marks the start of the supply of 15% of the company’s Queensland production to Nissui. The delivery follows a successful test shipment to Japan announced in the company’s recent market update.
Seafarms worked closely with Nissui on the packaging design over the past months to ensure a market acceptable product is ready for distribution to Nissu’s extensive domestic customer base.
Nissui invested AUD $24.99 million in Seafarms last year and invested a further $2.998 million this year.
Seafarms Managing DIrector Dr. Chris Mitchell said: “We are very pleased to have successfully completed our first shipment of product to Nissui. Commencing supply to Japan as a major export market and trade partner is an important strategic investment to support our export-focused Project Sea Dragon. We look forward to continuing our important partnership with Nissui.”