FSANZ’s progress on pregnancy warning labels for alcoholic beverages

This image is used for visual purposes and does not reflect actual label.
In a recent proposed change to the food standards code in Australia and New Zealand, Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has published its study and literature review on putting pregnancy warning labels on packaged alcoholic drinks. The review covered the period from November 2008 to June 2019.
Excessive alcohol intake during a pregnancy can lead to a range of cognitive, physical, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disabilities, known as FASD, or Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder”, FSANZ has noted.
FSANZ is assessing having labels for packaged alcoholic beverages, which according to FSANZ, can raise awareness and prompt discussions about the risks of consuming alcohol while pregnant, in addition to strengthening the already-existing cultural norms that relate to pregnant women being advised not to consume alcoholic beverages.
To read the full study and survey report, click here.