Australia’s first commercial vertical farm tackles faltering food system

Sprout Stack is Australia’s first commercial vertical farm, and it’s set to change the meaning of local produce. Local no longer means produced in Australia, but produce grown in your own backyard.
Growing high-quality salad greens in recycled shipping containers that have been fitted with advanced, hydroponic growing systems, Sprout Stack represents the future of farming. It’s helping to solve the very real problem of a faltering food system.
Sprout Stack’s proprietary technology has been built from scratch, meaning its farms can be entirely controlled via a phone browser and the vision as the business scales is for the farms to become entirely autonomous.
Each Sprout Stack shipping container can produce the equivalent to about one hectare of traditional farmland. It’s also highly sustainable. Plants are grown in coconut husk by-product and fed nutrient-rich water in a near closed-loop system.
By being locally-based, the agtech startup can deliver fresh produce from ‘paddock’ to plate within 24 hours of harvest, ensuring nutrient degradation and food miles are minimised.