Murray River Organics enters +$1b breakfast cereal category with Coles

MRG has launched, in partnership with Coles supermarkets, the Murray River Organics brand in the +$1b breakfast cereals category. Eight new innovative products will be sold across 800 Coles stores with estimated revenues of $5-6m per annum.
MRG’s first major ranging with Coles was announced in February 2020 and the launch will be backed by a new communications program including new website, Instagram, and Facebook platforms as part of the launch of the Murray River Organics brand into the Australian consumer market. Instore activation with Coles will also form an essential part of the program to drive awareness of the brand and products.
MRG Chief Executive Officer, Valentina Tripp, said: “We have made significant investments over the last nine months to develop the Murray River Organics brand proposition ensuring it is aligned to the Company’s strategy and purpose. We believe that the brand is authentic, has integrity and delivers accessibility for organic products to Australian consumers.”
“What’s also important is that MRG’s products carry the Australian Certified Organic BUD Logo with the Australian Certified Organic Standard – considered to be one of the most respected and rigorous standards in the world, and the symbol that is widely recognised as having integrity and that consumers look for when they are purchasing organic lines.”
The Australian organics market is estimated to be worth $2.6b with approximately 65 per cent of Australian households now buying some sort of organic product or produce yearly, with annual growth of five per cent.
The global organics market is estimated to be worth over $100b and provides significant opportunities to grow the consumer facing Murray River Organics brand that leverages MRG’s established export capability and distribution system.
Brand Launch with Coles

The range includes:
- Coffee, Fruit & Muesli, 400g cannister
- Macadamia & Cranberry Muesli, 400g cannister
- Tropical Muesli, 400g cannister and 5x60gm multi-pack
- Apple & Cinnamon Muesli, 400g cannister and 5x60gm multi-pack
- Banana, Coconut and Berry Muesli, 400g cannister and 5x60gm multi-pack