Shaking off lockdown-lows with the Good Mood Food

Hort Innovation has launched a new campaign that encourages everyone to shake off their COVID-19 isolation lows and naturally boost their mood with Aussie fruit, veg and nuts.
The Good Mood Food campaign repositions the category and aims to lift spirits, encourage healthy eating and support Aussie growers through one of their toughest years yet.
It is the first time that Hort Innovation has brought together the fruit, veg and nut industries to deliver a master marketing program to drive demand and change consumption behaviour across the category.
Hort Innovation’s General Manager, Marketing and International Trade, Justine Coates said Aussie growers need our support more than ever.
“Our growers have faced a year of challenges including droughts, floods and bushfires. That was all before COVID-19, which has significantly impacted export, foodservice and retail markets,” said Justine Coates.
“We need to support them by driving demand for fresh produce and to do that we’ve created an unashamedly bold and unmistakably Aussie campaign to reassert fruit, veg and nuts as first-choice options.
“Good food should play a huge role in how we look after ourselves physically and mentally, it’s even more relevant as the country deals with the impacts of isolation on emotional wellbeing and mood. Yet only 5.4% of us eat enough fruit and veg.
“So, we’re encouraging Australians to consider their mood, when they consider their food and choose fruit, veg and nuts. Our message is simple – when you eat better, you feel better.
“I’m incredibly proud of how quickly Hort Innovation and our creative and media partners have come together to create The Good Mood Food campaign that will support Aussie growers now and beyond COVID-19.”
Hort Innovation teamed up with Special Group Australia to create a television commercial, which takes a comical look at iso-tantrums and moody moments from our “new norm”, urging Aussies to ditch the junk food and eat more fruit, veg and nuts for the sake of those around them.
“At some point in time we’ve all felt the aftermath of a junk food feast. We get tired, cranky, impatient, agitated—all at the expense of our nearest and dearest who have to tolerate our tanties. We want to shine a light on not just the physical benefits of eating Aussie fruit, veg and nuts, but also the emotional benefits,” said Julian Schreiber, Special Group’s ECD and Partner. “The team at Hort Innovation have great ambition and it’s been fun working with them to create a campaign that delivers an important message in a light-hearted way.”
Special Group’s Managing Partner Cade Heyde said they were hugely proud of the work, speed and spirit in which the combined teams pulled this off.
“Participating in and winning a competitive pitch, going on to shoot and launch a campaign to position a whole category, whilst building a new client relationship, all during a pandemic—is something we are incredibly happy with,” said Cade Heyde.
The Good Mood Food campaign includes television, PR, social, OOH, display and audio. Hort Innovations’ new media agency Atomic 212° will amplify the campaign through a range of partnerships including Channel 7, Channel 10, Spotify and News Corp, reaching 98% of Australians.
“We are delighted to work with Hort Innovation across such a vital component of Australia’s domestic growth and support of local agricultural prosperity,” said Barry O’Brien, Atomic 212° Chairman and partner.
The Good Mood Food campaign will run until the end of September. The new television commercial will run across primetime slots on Network 7, Network 10 and catch up TV.