Australian hospitality business face of nationwide campaign: This year, running a business is a different story

Few industries have been harder hit by the pandemic than Australia’s hospitality industry, but it’s a resilient sector made up of innovative and dynamic businesses.
Few industries have been harder hit by the pandemic than Australia’s hospitality industry, but it’s a resilient sector made up of innovative and dynamic businesses.
Across Australia, bars, restaurants and cafes – big and small, new and established – have adapted to find new ways to grow, engage with their customers and play crucial roles in their local community. Vince Pizzinga, Co-owner of Mark & Vinny’s in Sydney’s Surry Hills is one such business owner.
Each time he’s evolved. Today, he’s the face of a national campaign (advert in link above) from payments provider Square, telling his story to inspire others. In the campaign Vince talks about how local businesses have had to adapt; and Mark & Vinny’s, previously dine-in only, has now shifted to offer takeaway and delivery for the first time ever, with help from technology by Square.
They managed to get a website live within a day using Square Online, and while it was stressful, he loved the response from his local community with one customer driving over 20km from outside Sydney to pick up their spaghetti fix.
Square is a strong advocate of the small business community who rely on their technology to run their businesses. Heroing Vince as one of two small business owners, the campaign was put together with voice recordings and images provided by the sellers themselves.
Few industries have been harder hit by the pandemic than Australia’s hospitality industry, but it’s a resilient sector made up of innovative and dynamic businesses.