Local Brisbane Vodka brand, born out of COVID-lockdowns, supports local and challenges the Gin resurgence

Idle Hour Vodka is the latest brainchild born of Covid-19 lockdowns. Have spotted an opportunity in the gin-saturated market, Idle Hour accelerated its launch to capitalise on the first lock downs that swept the nation in 2020.
“We could see Aussies turning to wellmade local spirits – we wanted to introduce our rye vodka and offer something special in those dire times says Co-Founder and Director, Ewen Pettit.
It was the very same lockdowns that in turn inspired the brand’s key message, asking consumers to ‘waste time well’. Channelling an uncomplicated lifestyle and spontaneous catch ups with friends, previously prohibited under lockdown laws, Idle Hour asks Aussies to live in the moment and celebrate the small pleasures.
In a year that shut down international and (to a degree) interstate trade and development, Idle Hour is quite literally the by-product of lockdown ingenuity. The Brisbane born; Idle Hour rye vodka is hand made from locally sourced ingredients playing true to the brands core values of supporting local.
“It was important for us to give back to the community” Pettit continues.
“We sought to drive growth in our own state, selecting 100 retailers to stock Idle Hour before we crossed state lines”.
The brand launch comes after sizeable growth in the Australian spirit market which has seen consumption of white spirits like vodka and gin grow YOY by 7.2% according to a recent Roy Morgan Study.
Idle Hour Vodka is now stocked at over 100 retailers across Queensland, available at The Alba, Bloodhound and Madame Wu and of course is available for direct order at www.idlehourvodka.com.au