Fanta Sour Watermelon relaunch is a social media case study

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 7th April 2015
Fanta Sour Watermelon relaunch is a social media case study
Fanta Sour Watermelon relaunch is a social media case study

Coca-Cola South Pacific says that the relaunch of its Fanta Sour Watermelon flavour in Australia is a response to requests on social media by fans of the flavour.

In effect, this demonstrates how a brand can leverage its social networks as part of its new product development process.

Originally released as a limited edition flavour in 2013, Coca-Cola South Pacific said Fanta Sour Watermelon had consistently been the most requested flavour on the Fanta Australia Facebook page ever since its limited edition availability ended.

This is an interesting case study of the use of social media to generate initial interest in new product being called a “limited edition” and then test running the social media response to measure the popularity of the product before the real launch button is pressed.

“Within a six month period, we had 270 comments on the Fanta Australia Facebook page asking us to bring Fanta Sour Watermelon back, and those voices have been heard,” Ramona Spiteri, Fanta Brand Manager. “We’re expecting this much-loved flavour to be a big hit all over again with fans old and new,” she said.

Fanta Sour Watermelon is available in major supermarkets in 1.25L bottle and 8x200ml mini can pack formats.

The launch is supported with OOH display units and social content, and will be part of a new integrated Fanta marketing campaign building on and championing the concept of play, which is set to roll out this autumn.