Lenard’s Chicken expansion in domestic market

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 5th August 2015

Lenard's ChickenLenard’s Chicken is expanding its poultry retail operations within the Australian market before planning any bigger international strategy.

Lenard’s Chicken currently has 200 stores Australia-wide and expects to double this figure by the end of 2017 while setting a 30 per cent sales growth goal over the next two years.

Lenard’s international presence is currently limited to Singapore with a handful of standalone stores and a presence within the Singaporean supermarket chain, Cold Storage.

Lenard’s CEO Chris Caldwell has revealed to Australian Food News that the poultry franchise chain wants to concentrate on expanding within Australia first before looking outwards again.

Caldwell said that the states of Victoria, NSW and South Australia were under-represented within the Lenard’s network and boosting stores in these states was a priority.

Lenard’s Chicken had its start in Queensland where it still has a large presence.

The growth expansion strategy within Australia is being driven by new product offerings with a fresh ingredients focus. The updating of shopfronts will also continue.

Lenard’s Chicken had a smaller cost-conscious makeover a few years ago after customer research provided feedback that shops “looked a bit cluttered and outdated”.

Caldwell said that there has been strong support from franchise owners for the new upgrade and expansion plans.