Australian Food News publishing notice

Please note Australian Food News will not be publishing on Monday 3 October 2016 and Wednesday 12 October 2016 due to the Jewish New Year and Yom Kippur.
The office of Australian Food News will be closed on these days as well as on Tuesday 4 October 2016.
Australian Food News would like to thank its readers for their understanding and we look forward to resuming our usual publishing schedule on Monday 17 October 2016.
Saturated fats clog up arteries theory is “plain wrong”, say doctors
An online editorial published in the British Journal of Sports Medicine has called the popular belie...
New Research Reveals Australia Has Highest Paying Jobs (Compared to UK)
Recent study done by 1st Move International suggests that Australia has one of the highest salary i...
Aldi tightens supplier corporate social responsibility standards
Aldi Australia is upping the corporate and social responsibility standards it expects of its supplie...
Increase in consumers purchasing frozen foods in USA
A study has found 26 per cent of US grocery shoppers are purchasing items from the frozen foods aisl...
Australian food industry can expect growth
In the current gloom brought about by a sluggish stock market and the persistence of unemployment, I...
Australian retailers “completely unprepared for Amazon’s arrival”
Australian retailers are “completely unprepared for Amazon’s arrival” says marketing agency Datasauc...
Australia's first commercial vertical farm tackles faltering food system
Sprout Stack is Australia’s first commercial vertical farm, and it’s set to change the meaning of l...
Possible class action ahead for Retail Food Group
Retail Food Group may soon be facing a class action from a law firm representing disgruntled franchi...