Exciting industry opportunities in ‘3D printed meat ink’, Australia seeks global role

Posted by Andrea Hogan on 1st May 2017

3D printed meat may seem fanciful to the average Australian, but it represents an exciting and realistic value-adding opportunity says Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA).

According to the Australian meat industry group, which is supporting the 3D Food Printing Conference Asia-Pacific Edition in Melbourne this week, secondary cuts, trims and by-products can be developed into “meat ink”. The meat ink can then be used by 3D printers to create high-protein foods.

According to MLA, the ideal use of such technology could be to create food in various shapes and sizes that can be served in appealing ways to the elderly, rather than the traditional pureed foods served at nursing homes.

The MLA says there is a need to create new business models to meet the demands of different markets who want personalised approaches to nutrients, rather than whole cuts of meat.

Sean Starling, MLA General Manager of Research Development and Innovation, said the results of a recent MLA investigation into 3D printing meat will be discussed at the 3D Food Printing Conference Asia-Pacific Edition.

“For the Australian red meat industry to remain globally competitive we have to embrace innovation and new technology to ensure we continue to grow our markets and provide greater value for the industry,” he said.

“Learning more about 3D technology and engaging with industry as to what’s next will be a key outcome of the conference,” Starling said.

Other topics outside of meat to be discussed at the conference include 3D printing Vegemite and Marmite, how 3D printing could help those with dysphagia and “edible ink”.


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