Retailers to get involved with Horticulture Code
The Horticultural Code, introduced last year, could soon be extended to incorporate retailers. The code currently regulates trade in horticulture produce between growers and wholesale traders to encourage greater clarity and commercial transparency in transactions between these parties. It was also set-up to provide an alternative to litigation by setting out an effective and inexpensive way of resolving disputes that may arise between growers and traders.
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission was required to look into the Horticultural Code during their grocery price inquiry.
“(The Government asked the) ACCC to consider the effectiveness of the Horticulture Code of Conduct, and whether the inclusion of other major buyers such as retailers would improve the effectiveness of the Code,” ACCC Chairman, Mr Graeme Samuel, said yesterday. “The Horticulture Code issues paper has now been published because the issues that have arisen in relation to the code to date during the inquiry are very specific. The ACCC wants to ensure that industry participants have had an opportunity to comment on these issues.””Interested parties are invited to make submissions to the ACCC in relation to the Horticulture Code and issues identified in the paper,” Mr Samuels added.
Submissions in response to the Horticulture Code Issues Paper should be made to the ACCC by no later than 5 p.m., 10 June 2008; with details about the Horticultural Code and other information about the inquiry to be made available on the ACCC website.