Lilydale expand into freezer range

Lilydale, the Australian owned and operated free range chicken brand is launching in the freezer aisle of Coles nationwide.
The new range which is branded “Baked not Fried” has four products:
- Lilydale Free Range Lemon and Pepper Tenders, $10
- Lilydale Free Range Mexican Spiced Tenders, $10
- Lilydale Free Range Herb Ciabatta Schnitzels, $10
- Lilydale Free Range Herb and Parmesan Schnitzels, $10
The Baked not Fried free range chicken products are available now for the recommended retail price of AUD $10.00.
Lilydale markets its new products as ethically produced.
“Lilydale free range chickens are raised and tended to by farmers who ensure they are fed a nutritious diet and take pride in their welfare.”
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