Australian Food News publishing notice

Dear readers … Australian Food News will not be publishing on Wednesday 19 September 2018 out of respect for Yom Kippur, in accordance with the policy of its publisher.
This policy has operated since the inception of Australian Food News in 1998.
The office of Australian Food News will also be closed on this day.
Australian Food News would like to thank its readers for their understanding. We look forward to resuming our usual newsfeed on Monday 24 September 2018.
Also in Australian Food News
- Damaging metabolic effects for inactive, young, obese people who consume soft drink regularly
- What to do about trade mark theft in China
- How beer consumption is slimming but our ‘guts’ continue growing
- Vegetarian nation actually a massive meat market
- Farming the knowledge and experience of older generations
Huon Aquaculture lodges court proceedings against Tasmanian government
Salmon farming company, Huon Aquaculture, has lodged proceedings in the Australian Federal Court aga...
Top global ecomm execs arriving in Aus urging retailers to fortify ops for Christmas
TM Insight is delighted to announce that three global innovators in ecommerce, Nicole Scherholz Cip...
KITKAT Chocolatory launches new flavours with Aussie designer
Melbourne’s KITKAT Chocolatory has collaborated with Australian designer Georgia Perry to launch a n...
Food trucks back in business with ‘Where The Truck’ App
Australian Mobile Food Vendors Group (AMFVG) has developed new features for its ‘Where The Truck’ a...
Bidfood acquires WA’s largest regional food distributor
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Just because it says ‘organic’ doesn’t mean it is
Australian Organic, a promotion group for organic foods, is warning consumers to watch out for fake ...
Australian researchers discover asthma relief in fibre, fatty foods bad for asthma
New Australian research has found a surprising link between taking fibre supplements and treating as...
Amazon, Whole Foods, and the future of supermarkets
Amazon would not have paid $13.8 Billion for Whole foods without a plan.