Adidas illustrator engaged to create a new look for Beforeyouspeak Coffee

Beforeyouspeak Coffee has introduced a new look to their flagship “High Performance Coffee” and “Glow” ranges, engaging illustrator Greg Coulton who has worked with the likes of Sony, Adidas, David Backham, Jameson whisky to name a few.
Matt Brassington, Creative Director of Beforeyouspeak Coffee said: “Last year, Jaryd & Ash (co-founders) generously brought back some whisky from a business trip. I was blown away by the quality of the packaging and illustrations — it’s something the liquor/wine industry has become known for. I was inspired. I thought how amazing it would be to apply the same quality of design and craft to our packaging. Something no one is doing in our space.”
“We wanted unique illustrations for a unique product. Each illustration tells a story. And the idea is the more you look, the more you see. Even now I notice something different each time. Motifs and brand elements are intertwined with flowing, doodle style illustrations. You’ll notice natural ingredients, graphics and even ‘Millie’ — the office pup.”
A quote from Greg Coulton | Illustration artist and Graphic Designer based in the UK.
“I always try to centre my work around a core thought or insight, so for this project I spent some time thinking about the actual act of drinking coffee, not just physically but also how we engage mentally and emotional with the experience.”
“All this stimulus led me to develop a visual style centered around the concept of mindfulness. The head space we get in whilst enjoying a BYS coffee. Think mental wellbeing, living in the moment and allowing ones thoughts to wander, to expand, and create.”
“Representing this visually, it felt like a natural step to develop a sketchbook look and feel. The sort of thing you might explore whilst sitting with a coffee, allowing your thoughts to meander whilst watching the world go by.”
“I took this insight and visual language and applied it to the specifics of each box.”
“To ensure each artwork feel part of a larger set, they are all structured in the same way. Integrated at the centre is the BYS coffee cup icon. This ensures BYS is the core of the experience, with the fun, joy and taste sensations emanating from this point.”
“The HIGH PERFORMANCE COFFEE range is based on the liquid shapes and swirls created when making coffee. Creamy flourishes intertwine with the ingredients to create a fluid, luxurious pattern.”
“As an aid to healthier hair/skin/nails, the GLOW artwork is made from a pattern of flowing hair. Again a few of the coffee’s key ingredients are weaved into the design, giving a mesmerising and enticing look.”