The current economic climate has been blamed for rising shoplifting figures. Theft from Australian stores has risen from 1.5% of revenue up to 2% since November according to the Australian Retail Association...

Federal Environment Minister Peter Garrett has announced there will be no national levy adopted on plastic bags following a meeting with state and territory ministers in Melbourne today. The levy was considered...

Advertising for ice cream, soft drinks, fast food and confectionery products outnumbers advertising of healthier food options by over two to one on children’s websites, according to research carried...

A 36-year-old woman hit by a trolley in a Coles store in Sydney five years ago has been awarded damages of close to $300,000. The woman received a permanent back injury as a result of misbehaviour by two...

Integrating complex networks of suppliers is the focus of a CSIRO and Logistics Association of Australia (LAA) course next month which gives a US and Australian perspective on the science of logistics.The...

ABS data released yesterday reveals that Australians over 15 are drinking about the same amount of alcohol on a per capita basis as they were last year. However, the type of drinks we are drinking has...

In the past week there have been a number of stories written about the escalating prices of foods like rice and wheat but little has been discussed about dairy prices. Unfortunately, with the escalating...

The Western Australian Farmers Federation (Inc.) (WAFarmers) is calling on Prime Minister Kevin Rudd to fix government policies impacting on local food production as the first step in addressing international...

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (AFGC) has called on Environment Ministers to reject calls for a national container deposit system ahead of discussions at the Environment Protection and Heritage...

Restaurateurs on the Gold Coast are suggesting laws be put in place to stop amateurs from trying to emulate the likes of Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver on a whim. The proposal has come following a noticeable...