Quinoa, Image by blairing media, used under Creative Commons license Adding quinoa to the gluten-free diet of patients with Coeliac Disease is well-tolerated and does not exacerbate the condition, according...

Rawsome adds new ‘raw treats’ to its range Australian raw food manufacturer Rawsome has released two new product lines for 2014, adding to its range of sweet treats. Made without any cooking or baking...

Patients with non-coeliac wheat sensitivity (NCWS) and other food sensitivities showed clinicial, laboratory and historical characteristics suggesting they may be suffering from a non-IgE-mediated –...

Freedom Foods is opposed to the Australian Food and Grocery Council (the AFGC) proposition that Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) alter the definition of ‘gluten-free’ in Australia and,...

The Australian Food and Grocery Council (the AFGC) is proposing that Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) alter the definition of ‘gluten-free’ in Australia. The AFGC wants FSANZ to allow a...

A new filter for the FoodSwitch mobile phone app, called GlutenSwitch, has been launched to help Australians with coeliac disease or a gluten intolerance make more informed choices. The new GlutenSwitch...

New biochemical evidence shows that the cereal grain sorghum is a safe food for people with coeliac disease, according to new research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. The new...

The majority of breakfast cereals contain gluten and other potential allergens as part of every meal. However, Freedom Foods has created a new “free from” cereal range that does not contain gluten. Gluten-free,...

Gluten-free, gluten intolerance, Coeliac Disease and gluten sensitivity have been in the news of late, with many people turning to gluten-free products as a “healthier way of living”. Most processed...

Kellogg Company has announced that it will commence US sales of a gluten free version of its popular Rice Krispies breakfast cereal, known in Australia as Rice Bubbles. “Kellogg is pleased to announce...