The first time I ever ate a sushi roll was in Sydney – tuna and avocado as I was a bit wary of anything raw at that stage!  It would have been over 15 years ago and I remember how excited I was...

Australian salmon company Huon Aquaculture has opened a new processing facility in the north of Tasmania. The company says a growing taste for its salmon in Japan and other export markets is helping drive...

Cooking talent influences food preferences, research Half of Australians said they often received compliments on their cooking, while 21 per cent said they would rather clean than cook, according to findings...

Australia: land of the rising sushi (and the falling spring roll) The popularity of sushi is on the rise in Australia, while spring rolls appear to be gradually falling out of favour, according to findings...

For many forecasters of 2013 predictions, there is a predicted focus on vegetables and healthier meals, in line with on-going global concerns regarding obesity. Some groups have predicted that restaurants...

Victorian Health Department officials have defended themselves against criticism of the administration of food safety enforcement in the State of Victoria. Australian Food News has published several reports...

A Food Authority survey of sushi outlets in NSW has found Sushi safety standards the highest they have been in years. “The survey found that 98 per cent of products were microbiologically safe, and...

New research released by Seafish, the authority on seafood in the UK, has revealed that sushi is now an established lunchtime favourite. Sales of sushi are up 21% year on year, with the total UK sushi...

The raw fish trade is booming in Australia, as consumers begin to realise that raw fish is not only very healthy but also delicious. However, chefs and sushi experts at a restaurant summit recently held...