Pizza Hut hoping for Twitter success
Twitter, the micro-blogging platform that challenges users to think in 140 characters or less, is taking the world by storm, and businesses are searching for ways to capitalise on its flourishing popularity.
The social networking dilemma
Companies are increasingly unsure of how to tackle the proliferation of online social networking sites, which have the potential to quickly tarnish a brand image built on decades of hard work. The spread of word of mouth by employees and customers is consequently speedier than ever before, but companies are aware that it can have its benefits. Some have their own Facebook fan pages, with thousands of fans showing their love for a brand and consequently harnessing a greater connection to the brand, while others have introduced their own Twitter profile to boost awareness of their activities. With costs limited to that of time, it can prove a cost-effective method to enhance brand image.
Pizza Hut sees potential
Fast-food chain Pizza Hut has decided that the time has come for them to expand their horizons and offer an online-savvy applicant the opportunity to manage their Twitter page.
“Pizza Hut recognised the importance of connecting with consumers through social media platforms long ago,” said Amanda Fleming, Pizza Hut Chief People Officer. “Pizza Hut already has one of the most popular brands on Facebook, with nearly one million fans. We are excited to extend our social media presence to one of the most popular and fastest-growing communications platforms on the Web by adding a key member to our team to help manage our Twitter efforts.”
“Forward-thinking brands are now on Twitter, whether it’s a CEO tweeting on behalf of a company or a world-class athlete,” Fleming added. “We are committed to making Pizza Hut a truly digital brand, where customers can connect with real team members from the company and participate in real, honest conversation. Twitter is another way for us to make that connection. It’s important for us to be where our customers are, and right now that’s social media platforms, such as Twitter.”
The Pizza Hut Twitter page will include details about deals and new menu items as well as provide pop culture news and quirky stories to provide a more general interest to their followers.