FSANZ calls for public comment on new regulations
Food Standards Australia New Zealand (FSANZ) has invited individuals and organisations with an interest in the regulation of food to comment on a proposal to develop measures to maximise seed sprouts safety.
The proposal is considering the development of a food safety standard for the production of seed sprouts (e.g. alfalfa, mung beans) for human consumption in Australia. Such a standard would be incorporated into the Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code.
Primary production and processing standard for seed sprouts (Australia only)
FSANZ is progressively developing national food safety standards for Australia’s primary industries. The intention is to improve food safety from farm to table by extending existing food safety requirements in the Food Standards Code for the processing, handling and retail sale of food to the primary production and processing of food commodities.
Seed sprouts could be contaminated by pathogenic microorganisms ─ such as Salmonella ─ and, if contaminated, could present an unacceptable health risk to consumers. FSANZ has assessed the risks to human health from hazards introduced at various stages of the production process and is proposing several management options to minimise food safety risks associated with consumption of seed sprouts. The food standards body invites interested parties to comment on their food safety evaluations and on the risk mitigation options being considered.
Details of the First Assessment Report for the primary production and processing of seed sprouts can be found at www.foodstandards.gov.au.
Submissions must reach FSANZ by Wednesday 26 August 2009.