Campbell’s Soup factory workers strike in Shepparton

Posted by Isobel Drake on 11th September 2009

The Campbell’s Soup factory in Shepparton has come to a halt today as employees of the company launched industrial action.

The ABC reports that around 150 maintenance and production staff have gone on strike for a period of 24 hours as negotiations for a new enterprise bargaining agreement continue.

Damian King from the Australian Manufacturing Workers Union said that negotiations have fallen down in response to flexibility arrangements.

“We’ve had protracted negotiations, we still have not been able to reach an agreement,” he told the ABC. “Effectively the main stumbling block has been that the company wants to introduce flexibility arrangements that could be used to diminish people’s right to entitlements.”

A spokeswoman for Campbell’s said the firm was disappointed negotiations have led to industrial action, which will delay workers from benefiting from a pay rise.