Energy drinks fail caffeine test
Five energy drinks have been removed from New South Wales shelves following investigations highlighting caffeine levels more than 30 per cent above the legal limit.
In all, of the 70 drinks tested, only 16 (or 23%) complied with the Food Standards Code, while 8 had caffeine levels more than 30 per cent above the legal limit. The NSW Food Authority has contacted the makers of the three more than 30 per cent above the limit that have not yet be banned to ask them to remedy the situation.
The Authority began the testing after concerns were raised in the wake of negative side effects seen amongst school children consuming the energy shot beverages.
Of the 70 drinks subject to the code:
• 16 (23%) comply
• 30 (43%) have caffeine levels between 1-15% over legal limit.
• 16 (23%) have caffeine levels between 16-30% over legal limit.
• 8 (11%) have caffeine levels more than 30% over legal limit (5 already removed from NSW market).