Consumers keen on all-day breakfast options
Consumers find breakfast fare comforting and many, especially women, wish they could eat it at any time of the day, according to research from America.
A study by foodservice industry consultant Technomic discovered that nearly half of consumers surveyed (46 per cent) say they would like to see full-service restaurants offer breakfast throughout the day and about a third (32 per cent) would like breakfast offered all day in limited-service restaurants. In both cases, females were significantly more interested in breakfast items for lunch or dinner than were males.
“Operators looking to expand breakfast into other dayparts should be mindful of their customer base and develop new offerings accordingly,” according to Darren Tristano, EVP at Technomic. “Understanding the general flavour, ingredient and preparation preferences held by female consumers can help operators and suppliers introduce the most appealing breakfast options beyond morning hours for these guests.”
The Breakfast Consumer Trend Report also discovered that breakfast sandwiches and premium coffee were among the products increasingly desired by consumers. While a look into the key factors impacting on preferred restaurant/café choice shows that weekend breakfasts choices are largely based on taste while weekday choices are dictated more by convenience and price.