Sweet times ahead for Tasmanian cherries

Posted by Josette Dunn on 31st March 2010

Tasmanian cherries have appeared in fruit bowls in South Korea for the first time as Australian growers shipped the first-ever consignments to the Land of the Morning Calm in February.After conducting an assessment and inspecting the Tasmanian cherry orchards and packing houses, Korean government officials were convinced of the low pest risk of the product and decided that the fruit didn’t have to be fumigated before export.

The import conditions are very similar to the conditions for cherries exported to Japan, which makes it easier for Australian exporters to get top quality produce into both markets.

The new market in South Korea will help boost Tasmania’s cherry production which was around 4000 tonnes in 2008-09 and is expected to reach 7000 tonnes by 2011-2012.

South Korea granted access for Australian mangoes in 2007 and will soon also consider market access for Australian table grapes.