Woolies drops to last place in customer satisfaction

Posted by Nicole Eckersley on 16th June 2010

The latest figures from consumer research company Roy Morgan show customer satisfaction in Australia remains highest among Aldi’s patrons by a wide margin, followed by Coles and IGA, with Woolworths dropping to last place.

Aldi customers reported 91.9% satisfaction – a 12-month high – compared to 86.4% for Coles, 85% for IGA and Woolworths 84.3%, over the 6 months’ average to April 2010.

“The lead that Aldi holds for satisfying more of its customers is back on the increase,” said Roy Morgan’s Industry Communications Director Norman Morris. “Aldi are once again pulling away from the other three major supermarkets. It’s quite the opposite story for Woolworths and IGA, who are still down by more than two percentage points from their mid 2009 highs.”

“These April results show Coles reasonably stable, but more importantly ahead of Woolworths by just over two percentage points.”

“The Supermarket Satisfaction report also reveals Coles outperform Aldi in two categories of fresh meat and packaged goods. These two categories that are in sharp decline and go against the overall trend for Aldi, are possible area to improve and grow overall customer satisfaction for the Coles business,” he added.