Food giants open their stores and wallets for QLD

Posted by Nicole Eckersley on 18th January 2011

Food businesses around Australia have pitched in for relief efforts in the Queensland floods, offering donations, matching employee contributions, allowing customers to donate directly, and supplying food for those affected and volunteers.

Supermarket giants Coles and Woolworths have both allowed customers to donate to flood charities at point of sale, with Coles raising $2.6 million and donating a further $1 million to the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal, and Woolworths raising over $5.3 million for the Salvation Army’s appeal, which they have promised to match dollar for dollar, making a total of over $10 million.

Convenience chain 7-Eleven has committed $10,000, and in addition will donate the proceeds for all the Slurpee ice drinks sold on Australia Day to the Premier’s Appeal.

Companies have also offered support directly to their affected workers, with Woolworths making assistance packages of up to $5000, plus accomodation and electrical inspection vouchers, available to directly affected employees.

Foster’s has pledged a total of $500,000 in donations, including an unknown amount to the Premier’s Appeal, support for affected employees, dollar-for-dollar matching of employee donations, and non-alcoholic beverages to be distributed to affected residents, volunteers and support workers.

Other donors to the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal include $100,000 from pallet giant Brambles, $50,000 from Mars Australia, $50,000 from Premium Wine Brands,  $15,000 from the Australasian Meat Employees Union, $10,000 from Auto Bake, $10,000 from the Coopers Brewery and $10,000 from pizza chain Eagle Boys.

In addition, the Appeal has received pledges from Pfizer for $250,000, PFD Food Services for $75,000, McDonalds Australia for $50,000, Parmalat-owned milk giant Paul’s for $50,000 and the Sizzler restaurant chain for $50,000.

Grocery and personal care giant Unilever has committed to match employee donations to the Premier’s Appeal, and has donated approximately $170,000 in staple food and personal care products to Foodbank.

Sanitarium has also supplied Foodbank with $135,000 in Weet-Bix and So Good, to arrive in Brisbane today.

Companies or individuals wishing to make donations  can do so at the Premier’s Flood Relief Appeal  or at Foodbank Australia. Companies wishing to donate food staples should contact Foodbank CEO John Webster.