Nestlé to cap milk containers with bioplastic lids in Brazil

Posted by AFN Staff Writers on 1st August 2011

The initiative is the result of Nestlé’s partnership with Tetra Pak and Braskem.

“This is an innovating initiative that adds further value to our products,” said Ivan Zurite, President of Nestlé Brazil.

“Our participation in this project is fully aligned with our global social responsibility platform called Creating Shared Value, where it can best create value both for society and shareholders, and the communities where it operates.”

The new packaging follows announcement made in June by Dr Anne Roulin, Nestlé’s Global Head of Packaging, that Nestlé sees bioplastics as the future of food packaging.

Dr Roulin said that bioplastics made from sugar cane and other plant based materials demonstrate the kind of properties that could be used widely across Nestlé’s product portfolio.

A third generation of plastics made from non-food sources such as algae, cellulose, and waste products is also in the pipeline and might be more widely available by 2015, Dr Roulin said.