Battery hens and sow stalls to be phased out in State of Tasmania
In its latest Budget, the Tasmanian Government has announced that no new cage egg farms will be allowed in Tasmania, and Tasmania is also reviewing standards for free range production.
The Tasmanian Government is planning on phasing out battery hen farming in Tasmania and fast tracking a planned ban on the use of sow stalls.
Minister for Primary Industry and Water Bryan Green said funding in the Budget would help pork producers transition out of sow stalls by the middle of 2013.
He said, “these law changes will help pork and egg producers respond to growing consumer demands in specific market segments and further enhance Tasmania’s brand values.”
He said the Tasmanian Government will be helping producers adjust to the changes because managing sows will require more space, new equipment and different animal husbandry practices.”
Mr Green said that a range of actions will be explored in a bid to increase non-cage egg production and phase out battery hen operations.